Our Services
Our doctors at Fisher-Gentry Eye Care have been providing vision care services to the Kankakee River Valley Community for many years. Our goal is to help patients see their best by providing the highest quality eye care and optical products.
Our doctors and staff work hard every day to offer customized eye care for both you and your family. Whether you are in need of an eye examination, ocular health assessment, new eyewear, contact lenses or just have a few vision-related questions for us to answer, we are here for you. We will be glad to answer any questions you might have before, during or after your exam.
Thank you for choosing us for your eye care needs.
No matter what your age, a routine eye exam is important to keep your eyes healthy (even if you feel you have eagle eye vision)! Our exams include a refraction (where we check for your glasses prescriptions) and a dilated health exam to rule out ocular diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.
A contact lens fit is an additional service to a routine eye examination. We offer contact lenses for near and far sightedness, astigmatism, multifocal lenses, as well as gas permeable (aka hard) contact lenses. Specialty fits for keratoconus and other cornea abnormalities are available as well.
Already an existing patient? Order more contacts here: https://yourstore.wewillship.com/?account_id=5346
Did you know the state of Illinois requires an eye exam for all children who are entering Kindergarten? With the rise in usage of digital devices, there has been an increase in prevalence of eye issues among children. We have the Illinois State Eye Examinations forms on hand to complete for you upon request.
Macular degeneration is an ocular disease that affects your central vision. There are 2 different types: Wet and Dry. We monitor the dry type of the disease with frequent eye exams with imaging, protective eyewear, and certain eye vitamins. If we detect the wet type, that means there is bleeding in the back of the eye, and a referral to a retinal specialist is crucial for proper treatment.
Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve that usually is the result of increased pressure in the eye. Most people have no idea they have this disease and it can only be detected on a thorough eye exam.
If you have diabetes, your primary care doctor or endocrinologist will ask if you have had your yearly dilated eye exam. We coordinate care among multiple practitioners in the Kankakee County Area to make sure there are no signs of diabetic issues in the eye. At the end of your exam, we send a letter to your provider with the results.
As optometrists, we don’t perform the surgery ourselves, but work alongside ophthalmologist to ensure you are getting the pre and post-operative care you need for cataract surgery. We have an ophthalmologist that routinely visits our office to provide cataract evaluations or we can refer to an ophthalmologist of your choosing. Most of the surgeries take place at Riverside Medical Hospital Surgery Center in Bourbonnais.
Our optical shop offers a variety of different styles and brands of frames along with optical repairs, adjustments, and cleaning.